The mass advertising and marketing tools of the last half of the 20th Century are no longer effective in supporting the brands and services of the 21st Century. 

Blanket TV network advertising, large outdoor ads and mass print ads are not the relevant solutions they once were. Our client's customers and consumers now have a wide range of priorities, preferences and alternatives. That old world is the world of the "above the line " agencies. The world of the" below the line" agency is a completely different place!

Today, what the old guard perceives as fragmented, the "below the line" agency embraces and reconfigures through integration. What was once perceived as niche is now considered targeted. Retail channels once considered as a funnel to accessing the consumer are now considered as demanding partners in the building of a brand.

The end customer’s habits are rapidly changing, so too, communications must consider language, culture, media, venue and technology for maximum effect. The way to reach these distinct marketing targets is decidedly more specialized than it once was. Tactics like interactive, targeted broadcast, experiential marketing, entertainment marketing, buzz marketing and direct customized e-marketing represent just a few of the new options.

All of these elements are being excised from what was once the "above the line" spending domain of "mass" media and marketing.