Got Milk? - The Indian Dairy Context.

Showing posts with label digital activation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label digital activation. Show all posts

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Got Milk? A digital activation.

Soy, coconut and almond milks are saying they’re healthier than real milk. But why? What’s in them? Here is a website to celebrate just that, all the ingredients that go into imitation milk. 

Has been Created by Goodby Silverstein & Partners for the Califonia Milk Processors Board to drive awareness.

I liked the thought, the strategy and the integration of devices; however, I did feel that the video interface makes the experience a little jerky and not as much of fun as I would have liked it to be, especially on the mobile device.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

It’s time for dinner! Lawry's Digital Dinner Bell.

Lawry’s Digital Dinner Bell was born as the modern way to get family and friends to the table. 

The initiative / campaign is focused on the core of Lawry's recipe database.  

Start by selecting a flavor for tonight's dinner. Next, browse the Lawry's recipe database of the chosen flavor, pick a recipe, and prepare it. 

When it’s ready, invite family and friends to dinner. 

With a simple shake, your phone rings the Digital Dinner Bell and lets your family know that dinner is ready via SMS, Facebook posts, or a personalized phone call. 

It’s the modern way to get your family and friends to the table for a quality, family meal. 

The Naked Espresso.

Loved the idea of unwrapping the core of the Espresso Machine to give individual identity to each poured cup. 

And suddenly your coffee has got character.  

In an aim to challenge Australians perception of the brand and position Breville and it’s Dual Boiler in a complex opinionated premium espresso market, Reborn (the agency) needed to highlight the premium features and specification of the espresso machine. 

Kraft Mac n Cheese.

Kids enjoy creating masterpieces of macaroni art - this initiative takes it further ensures almost a real experience especially on the ipad, an increased engagement and of course an association with a great cause where-in Kraft donates 10 real noodles for every virtual noodle used to a social cause. 

Simple thought, complex programing and overall effective. Try your hand at it here

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Tweet activated sampling machine - BEV's digital activation.

Sampling is a key strategy for BOS Ice Tea. Outcome was the first ever tweet-activated vending machine. What a superb idea and its implementation. 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Einstein Simplified!!

If Einstein can be simplified, I bet digital  marketing for FMCG / CPG brands can be simplified as well.

You would have noticed that it is difficult (if not impossible) to wrap up a digital / online marketing discussion, without learning a few extra jargons and tech-speak. All the jargon has a MEGO effect on me (`My Eyes Glaze Over') :-). 

If you are into jargons pick up a few from here.

The other interesting bit in most discussions is the "evasive action" when it comes to quantifiable returns from the marketing spends. 

At AaramShop, we have taken a few steps towards addressing this challenge by creating a marketing program which converts consumer touch-points (jargon 1) into shopper action-points (jargon 2) for FMCG / CPG brands. 

Talk to us about our Simplified Online Plan for FMCG brands (in India) and sign-in for the Step-Up Program. 

You are assured of time porn (jargon 3) 

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Little Red Riding Hood - RETOLD

What a wonderful project.

""The brief told us to do a classic ad to be printed in the magazine "Filter". The target group was swedes in ages 15–30 years. After some thinking and researching, we realized that a small ad in a small magazine wouldn´t do that much of a difference.""

Slagsmålsklubben - Sponsored by destiny from Tomas Nilsson on Vimeo.

The video takes you through the most memorable day in the life of Little Red Riding Hood and along the way, you learn all sorts of details. Like the air resistance experienced by a Volkswagen Type 2-61 Minibus at 43 MPH as measured by Volkswagen GmbH in 1955. Or the wildlife density of the Hundred Acre Wood, showing a surge in the rabbit population. Not to mention the nutrition facts of Grandma with a total caloric value of 10,000 kilocalories. :-)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The last mile just got longer! Contd..2

2. A consumer’s source of information, research, evaluation and influence are not led by an organisation or brand.

The consumer seeks information from a myriad of sources that he defines and trusts. These opinion forming communities can destroy the prospect’s chance of ever buying the product or build up a frenzy and passion. The need to own “the” iPhone, for example, made passionate consumers queue for hours, although everyone of them already had a mobile phone.

There are communication and interaction opportunities that allow brands to deploy a broader set of messages, tailored to reach their audiences where they live and play. It is critical to address all these touchpoints because while the consumer undertakes his brand research through one touchpoint, he seeks affirmation of his choice through a different touchpoint and will probably make a purchase at a very different touchpoint.

3. The central idea of the campaign has become more important than the media used. The campaign idea needs to create the ripples which should take a life of their own.

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