Saturday, August 31, 2013

S Oil "Here" Activation - thumbs up.

Simple but powerful thought. Well executed, well crafted for awards ;-)

A good digital campaign by Fanta.

Visit the campaign site here. Good to see the brand staying away from TVCs to focus on the core experience. The campaign encourages co-creation and conversations about the brand.

The missing bit - is the next logical step to encourage the last mile discovery of the brand. Maybe the scale of the campaign makes it too tough.  

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

History of Toothpaste.

Why do we brush our teeth? Who says brushing leads to better oral care? Why do we wake up every morning and head to the bathroom cabinet?

Obviously, now it is all a subconscious act. I wonder what was the situation with our ancestors? How and when did we start brushing?

Came across this rather interesting article on the secret of creating a habit and routine which I thought worth sharing.